The Lost Pisces is the passion-project I've been going full stream on for about 6 years. It's a sci-fi first person adventure that originally used the Microsoft Kinect for XBOX One to continually watch subtle changes in mood of the player or guage where gamer eyes were looking in order to more naturally have the female protagonist in the game intuitively react to the gamer on a more "human level." Unfortunately Kinect was abandoned by Microsoft, and so that component was lost, but VR could hold a key to bridging that direct connection to the gamer again(but VR isn't widely adopted yet and costly) and so Pisces may remain a simple First Person Adventure game. Gameplay is mostly story drien and linear, however it takes cues from games like "Shadow of the Colossus" in that the main action in the game comes from trying to scale and eliminate massive enemies.  I actually ran a Kickstarter campaign 5 years ago in its early stages, and while it raised just short of $20,000 it didn't make its goal, so Kickstarter campaign failed.  Still, it made it into a couple of magazines, and it has around 5000 Twitter followers... not amazing, but it got a little attention.  It's quietly developed and matured a lot since then.



The "Goatman" game is a quirky, lighthearted "survival" game that's quick to play, and built to hopefully have larger appeal. It builds off of a local legend to the Germantown area that supposedly goes back to the end of the civil war, but honestly there's so many "goatman" stories around the US that pretty much anyone from anywhere knows of a local legend to them. I'm not a fan of horror, but I figured that might be a good thing to try since it takes me out of the "comfort zone" and I can disconnect from it a bit, and maybe apply some fresh perspective. Goatman is the closest to completion (I'd like to launch an Indie Gogo campaign at the beginning of this October), because of it's more simplistic and limited design, but may make a great title for xbox Marketplace or Steam, and act as a launchpad to start building a larger group of developers and artist from.  Again, the game was always meant to act as a "start" to building out some proof that a studio can live in Milwaukee.